Idaho Abortion Rights supports Idahoans in receiving access to reproductive health items like Plan B and Julie (emergency contraceptives), condoms, pregnancy tests, birth control, rides to clinics to get birth control and IUDs. We have dozens of reproductive health boxes across the state of Idaho.
We also provide free abortion doula services and abortion aftercare kits to anyone who requests it. These kits contain comfort items needed to support a person going through their abortion and includes resources to get continued support before, during and after their abortion. We provide these kits to Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota and Nebraska. Gas money, shipping costs, the cost of abortion medication (we provide grants to people who can't afford their medication), costs for supplies, printing items and our online tools we use to run the mutual aid are what your donations covers. Your donation goes DIRECTLY to people who need care and support.

We are a 100% volunteer organization.
All funds go directly back to the community and to our work.
All services, support and offerings are provided for free.

Below is our tax deductible form. You can donate with card or PayPal.
After you donate, be sure to use your email receipt for your tax deducting purposes.
Thank you for your continued support!

If you prefer to donate on Venmo, you can do that here: <<